Bold Beauty
Molly Fillmore, voice, Elvia Puccinelli, piano. Album of 4 art song groups composed by Juliana Hall: Cameos, texts by Molly Fillmore, Letters from Edna, texts by Edna St. Vincent Millay; Syllables of Velvet, Sentences of Plush, texts by Emily Dickinson; Theme in Yellow, texts by Robert Frost, Amy Lowell, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Carl Sandburg.
Purchase here:

Let us the fleeting hours enjoy!
Music of the Regency Era
Coming in 2025: An album of Regency-era music with Molly Fillmore, mezzo-soprano and Steven Harlos, fortepiano; also featuring Nini Marchese, soprano, Shelby Van Nordstrand, soprano, Jeffrey Snider, baritone, and Jaymee Haefner, harp. To be released on the Blue Griffin label, Sergei Kvitko, president and engineer.

Let us the fleeting hours enjoy!
An accompanying songbook to the album, this book will feature newly engraved sheet music, easily legible and accessible for the professional musician, music students, and amateur musicians. Duets and trios included. For voice(s) and piano (or in some cases, harp.) Language: English. Available late 2025.

Cameos - Song Cycle
Cameos is a song cycle with music by Juliana Hall set to poems by Molly Fillmore. The texts are inspired by the visual art of six American women: Sarah Albritton, Alice Dalton Brown, Corita Kent, Agnes Pelton, Nellie Mae Rowe, and Kay Walkingstick. Each song and poem is named after one of the women, and captures some part of the essence of their work. It is published by E. C. Schirmer in both soprano and mezzo-soprano keys, and is featured on the Bold Beauty album.
Purchase here:

Remarks on the Art of Singing
Anticipated publication: early 2026. Inspired by Harriett Wainwright Stewart's 19th-century treatise, this book will include thoughts on vocal technique, studio teaching (both in independent and university contexts), with special emphasis on navigating the selection of repertoire when one may fit into multiple voice categories.

Satyagraha (The Metropolitan Opera)
From PhilipGlass.com: "Satyagraha portrays Gandhi’s years in South Africa during the time he developed his tools for social transformation through nonviolence. Captured at the 2011 revival of the work, the production was directed by Phelim McDermott and Julian Crouch and starred Richard Croft as Gandhi along with a stellar cast with the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra & Chorus under Dante Anzolini." Molly Fillmore sings the role of Mrs. Naidoo.
Purchase the DVD, CD, or stream here: