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Cameos is a song cycle with music by Juliana Hall set to poems by Molly Fillmore.


The song cycle has been recorded for the Blue Griffin label and is part of an upcoming full-length album release of songs by Juliana Hall, entitled Bold Beauty (anticipated release: August 2021.)  For more information about Juliana Hall, go to:


Cameos is inspired by the visual art of six American women:  Sarah Albritton, Alice Dalton Brown, Corita Kent, Agnes Pelton, Nellie Mae Rowe, and Kay Walkingstick.  Each song and poem is named after one of the women, and captures some part of the essence of their work.  


For more information about the visual artists who inspired the poetry, here are some websites to explore:


Sarah Albritton:

Alice Dalton Brown:

Corita Kent:

Agnes Pelton:, 

Nellie Mae Rowe:

Kay Walkingstick:


Check back soon for more details on this page about the album release, as well as a video introduction to the song cycle and the visual artists!  





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